

2022 Stats and DMB UIDs for Debut Players

Updated: November 9, 2022

Some of you might be anxious to get started on your pre-draft planning, so we've put together this set of stats and DMB UIDs for the players who made their major league debuts in 2022. If your league has a rookie draft, these are the players who'll be available. Players are separated by role and listed alphabetically.


Name                    UID  Tm    AVG   G  AB   H 2B 3B HR   R RBI HBP  BB   K  SB
---------------------- ----- --- ----- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---  --
C.J. Abrams            33490 Was  .258  44 159  41  7  2  0  17  10   3   1  23   6
C.J. Abrams            33490 SD   .232  46 125  29  5  0  2  16  11   6   4  27   1
Ryan Aguilar           33162 LAA  .136   7  22   3  1  0  0   2   2   1   2  14   0
Nick Allen             32286 Oak  .207 100 299  62 13  0  4  31  19   1  19  64   3
Francisco Alvarez      34122 NYN  .167   5  12   2  1  0  1   3   1   0   2   4   0
Jonathan Aranda        33681 Tam  .192  32  78  15  4  0  2  10   6   1   8  23   0
Gabriel Arias          33021 Cle  .191  16  47   9  1  1  1   9   5   1   8  16   1
Jose Azocar            31308 SD   .257  98 202  52  9  3  0  24  10   0  12  44   5
Ji-hwan Bae            33980 Pit  .333  10  33  11  3  0  0   5   6   2   2   6   3
Rylan Bannon           32477 Atl  .000   1   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0
Rylan Bannon           32477 Bal  .143   4  14   2  0  0  0   0   0   1   0   5   0
Matthew Batten         32900 SD   .105  15  19   2  1  0  0   0   1   1   2   6   0
Brett Baty             34130 NYN  .184  11  38   7  0  0  2   4   5   1   2   8   0
Will Benson            32190 Cle  .182  28  55  10  1  0  0   8   3   2   3  19   0
Wynton Bernard         29489 Col  .286  12  42  12  1  0  0   9   3   0   0   8   3
Dairon Blanco          32994 KC   .286   5   7   2  0  0  0   1   2   0   0   4   1
JJ Bleday              33358 Mia  .167  65 204  34 10  2  5  21  16   2  30  67   4
Sean Bouchard          33413 Col  .297  27  74  22  6  0  3   9  11   1  21  25   0
Will Brennan           34176 Cle  .357  11  42  15  1  1  1   6   8   1   2   4   2
Jonah Bride            33073 Oak  .204  58 162  33  4  0  1  17   6   4  19  32   1
Peyton Burdick         34033 Mia  .207  32  92  19  4  0  4   8  11   2   8  35   1
Alec Burleson          33921 StL  .188  16  48   9  1  0  1   4   3   0   5   9   1
Oswaldo Cabrera        33142 NYA  .247  44 154  38  8  1  6  21  19   0  15  44   3
Alex Call              31665 Cle  .167  12  12   2  0  0  0   2   0   0   4   4   0
Alex Call              31665 Was  .245  35 102  25  3  1  5  16  13   2  11  26   3
Conner Capel           31703 StL  .176   9  17   3  0  0  1   1   2   0   1   2   0
Conner Capel           31703 Oak  .371  13  35  13  0  1  2   6   9   0   4   8   1
Vinny Capra            32913 Tor  .200   8   5   1  0  0  0   2   0   0   2   1   0
Kerry Carpenter        34051 Det  .252  31 103  26  4  1  6  16  10   3   6  32   0
Corbin Carroll         34290 Ari  .260  32 104  27  9  2  4  13  14   3   8  31   2
Triston Casas          33200 Bos  .197  27  76  15  1  0  5  11  12   0  19  23   1
Diego Castillo         31473 Pit  .206  96 262  54 13  0 11  28  29   3  14  75   1
Kody Clemens           33093 Det  .145  56 117  17  4  0  5  13  17   0   8  33   1
Mark Contreras         33931 Min  .121  28  58   7  1  0  3   9   6   1   1  21   1
Narciso Crook          32491 ChN  .250   4   8   2  1  0  0   1   2   0   0   3   0
Brendon Davis          31545 Det  .200   3  10   2  0  0  0   2   0   0   1   3   1
Jason Delay            32496 Pit  .213  57 155  33  6  0  1  17  11   2   9  50   0
Ben DeLuzio            32497 StL  .150  22  20   3  1  0  0   3   0   1   3   5   0
Jordan Diaz            33841 Oak  .265  15  49  13  3  0  0   3   1   0   2   7   0
Yainer Diaz            33855 Hou  .125   6   8   1  1  0  0   0   1   0   1   2   0
Yusniel Diaz           30903 Bal  .000   1   1   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   1   0
Brendan Donovan        33313 StL  .281 126 391 110 21  1  5  64  45  14  60  70   2
Jeter Downs            32276 Bos  .154  14  39   6  1  0  1   4   4   0   1  21   0
Joseph Dunand          32119 Mia  .300   3  10   3  1  0  1   2   1   1   0   3   0
Ezequiel Duran         33975 Tex  .236  58 208  49 10  1  5  25  25   0  12  54   4
Nathan Eaton           34092 KC   .264  44 106  28  4  3  1  16  12   2  10  30  11
Jerar Encarnacion      33263 Mia  .182  23  77  14  3  0  3   7  14   0   3  32   2
Freddy Fermin          33019 KC   .000   3   7   0  0  0  0   1   0   0   0   3   0
Lucius Fox             31607 Was  .080  10  25   2  0  0  0   2   2   0   1   9   1
Tyler Freeman          33204 Cle  .247  24  77  19  3  0  0   9   3   4   4  11   1
Dermis Garcia          32146 Oak  .207  39 116  24  6  0  5  13  20   1   8  55   0
Maikel Garcia          34284 KC   .318   9  22   7  1  0  0   1   2   0   1   5   0
Stone Garrett          31401 Ari  .276  27  76  21  8  0  4  13  10   1   3  27   3
Oscar Gonzalez         33141 Cle  .296  91 362 107 27  0 11  39  43   3  15  75   1
Nolan Gorman           33138 StL  .226  89 283  64 13  0 14  44  35   2  28 103   1
Riley Greene           33402 Det  .253  93 376  95 18  4  5  46  42   3  36 120   1
Vaughn Grissom         34287 Atl  .291  41 141  41  6  0  5  24  18   3  11  34   5
Jordan Groshans        33978 Mia  .262  17  61  16  0  0  1   9   2   0   4  13   0
Dalton Guthrie         33542 Phi  .333  14  21   7  0  0  1   3   5   1   6   7   1
Darick Hall            32850 Phi  .250  41 136  34  8  1  9  19  16   1   5  44   0
Caleb Hamilton         32741 Min  .056  22  18   1  0  0  1   5   1   0   4  14   0
Michael Harris II      33836 Atl  .297 114 414 123 27  3 19  75  64   5  21 107  20
Gunnar Henderson       34128 Bal  .259  34 116  30  7  1  4  12  18   0  16  34   1
David Hensley          34102 Hou  .345  16  29  10  2  1  1   7   5   0   5   6   0
Elier Hernandez        31276 Tex  .182  14  33   6  2  0  0   4   3   0   1  15   0
Ivan Herrera           33278 StL  .111  11  18   2  0  0  0   0   1   0   2   8   0
Jose Herrera           32104 Ari  .189  47 111  21  2  0  0   9   5   0   9  34   0
Brewer Hicklen         32512 KC   .000   6   4   0  0  0  0   1   0   0   0   4   0
Cooper Hummel          32989 Ari  .176  66 176  31  8  3  3  20  17   1  23  64   4
Bryce Johnson          32959 SF   .111  11  18   2  0  0  0   1   2   0   1   7   0
Nolan Jones            32197 Cle  .244  28  86  21  5  0  2  10  13   0   8  31   0
Josh Jung              33363 Tex  .204  26  98  20  4  1  5   9  14   0   4  39   2
Gosuke Katoh           32520 Tor  .143   8   7   1  1  0  0   2   0   0   3   1   0
Buddy Kennedy          33827 Ari  .217  30  83  18  2  2  1  10  12   1   8  23   0
Mark Kolozsvary        33378 Cin  .200  10  20   4  2  0  1   3   3   0   1   9   0
Ryan Kreidler          33753 Det  .178  26  73  13  1  0  1   8   6   1   6  22   0
Jason Krizan           30408 SF   .125   3   8   1  0  0  0   0   0   0   2   3   0
Steven Kwan            33188 Cle  .298 147 563 168 25  7  6  89  52   7  62  60  19
Shea Langeliers        33761 Oak  .218  40 142  31 10  1  6  14  22   0   9  53   0
Jack Larsen            33039 Sea  .000   1   1   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   1   0
Bryan Lavastida        33479 Cle  .083   6  12   1  0  0  0   0   0   0   3   4   0
Charles Leblanc        32526 Mia  .263  48 156  41 10  0  4  18  11   1  12  53   4
Korey Lee              34165 Hou  .160  12  25   4  2  0  0   1   4   0   1   9   0
Josh Lester            32528 Det  .000   2   5   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   3   0
Royce Lewis            32266 Min  .300  12  40  12  4  0  2   5   5   0   1   5   0
Luis Liberato          31955 SD   .000   7   5   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   3   0
Christian Lopes        30719 Oak  .000   4   9   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   1   5   0
David MacKinnon        32535 LAA  .189  16  37   7  0  0  0   0   6   0   5  12   0
David MacKinnon        32535 Oak  .000   6  13   0  0  0  0   2   0   0   1   5   0
Bligh Madris           32258 Pit  .177  39 113  20  7  0  1  10   7   0  10  31   2
Michael Massey         34166 KC   .243  52 173  42  9  1  4  16  17   8   9  46   3
Miles Mastrobuoni      33129 Tam  .188   8  16   3  0  0  0   1   0   0   1   6   1
J.J. Matijevic         32127 Hou  .209  32  67  14  2  0  2   7   5   2   2  25   1
Mickey McDonald        33946 Oak  .000   4   4   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   2   3   0
MJ Melendez            32259 KC   .217 129 460 100 21  3 18  57  62   1  66 131   2
Joey Meneses           30795 Was  .324  56 222  72 14  0 13  33  34   1  15  52   1
Jose Miranda           32200 Min  .268 125 444 119 25  0 15  45  66  10  28  91   1
Cal Mitchell           32263 Pit  .226  69 212  48 11  0  5  21  17   0  18  52   3
Garrett Mitchell       33756 Mil  .311  28  61  19  3  0  2   9   9   0   6  28   8
Nate Mondou            32554 Oak  .000   1   2   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   1   1   0
Elehuris Montero       32555 Col  .233  53 176  41 15  1  6  21  20   1   8  60   0
Christopher Morel      33265 ChN  .235 113 379  89 19  4 16  55  47   3  38 137  10
Gabriel Moreno         33281 Tor  .319  25  69  22  1  0  1  10   7   0   4   8   0
Simon Muzziotti        32183 Phi  .143   9   7   1  0  0  0   0   0   1   0   2   0
Bo Naylor              33698 Cle  .000   5   8   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   5   0
Logan O'Hoppe          34047 LAA  .286   5  14   4  0  0  0   1   2   0   2   3   0
Brian O'Keefe          32773 Sea  .333   2   3   1  0  0  0   0   0   0   1   2   0
Chris Okey             31637 Cin  .167   7  12   2  0  0  0   3   0   1   0   5   0
James Outman           34059 LAN  .462   4  13   6  2  0  1   6   3   1   2   7   0
Jermaine Palacios      31374 Min  .143  30  70  10  0  0  2   8   6   0   4  27   0
Richie Palacios        34017 Cle  .232  54 112  26  6  0  0   7  10   1   9  20   2
Michael Papierski      33386 SF   .000   5   9   0  0  0  0   1   0   0   1   4   0
Michael Papierski      33386 Cin  .159  34  82  13  1  0  1   6   4   0   9  22   0
Vinnie Pasquantino     34151 KC   .295  72 258  76 10  0 10  25  26   3  35  34   1
Liover Peguero         33991 Pit  .333   1   3   1  0  0  0   0   0   0   1   2   0
Jeremy Pena            33054 Hou  .253 136 521 132 20  2 22  72  63   6  22 135  11
Oswald Peraza          33287 NYA  .306  18  49  15  3  0  1   8   2   2   6   9   2
Carlos J. Perez        33529 ChA  .222   7  18   4  2  0  0   0   2   0   0   2   0
Joe Perez              33486 Hou  .000   1   1   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   1   0
Israel Pineda          33345 Was  .077   4  13   1  0  0  0   1   0   0   1   7   0
Rene Pinto             32751 Tam  .212  25  80  17  3  0  2   5  10   1   2  35   0
Nick Plummer           31491 NYN  .138  14  29   4  1  0  2   4   6   1   1  12   0
Nick Pratto            32261 KC   .184  49 158  29  9  1  7  18  20   1  19  66   0
Ford Proctor           33335 SF   .111   7  18   2  0  0  1   3   6   0   2   3   0
Esteban Quiroz         31758 ChN  .275  14  40  11  0  0  0   3   3   2   4   9   1
Heliot Ramos           32272 SF   .100   9  20   2  0  0  0   4   0   0   2   6   0
Kramer Robertson       32862 StL  .000   2   1   0  0  0  0   0   1   0   0   0   0
Chuckie Robinson       32579 Cin  .136  25  59   8  2  0  2   3   5   0   0  17   0
Julio Y. Rodriguez     33364 Sea  .284 132 511 145 25  3 28  84  75   8  40 145  25
Eguy Rosario           32188 SD   .200   7   5   1  0  0  0   0   0   0   1   2   0
Esteury Ruiz           33334 Mil  .000   3   8   0  0  0  0   2   0   0   1   2   0
Esteury Ruiz           33334 SD   .222  14  27   6  1  1  0   1   2   0   0   5   1
Adley Rutschman        32919 Bal  .254 113 398 101 35  1 13  70  42   4  65  86   4
Donny Sands            31856 Phi  .000   3   3   0  0  0  0   0   0   0   1   1   0
Brian Serven           32594 Col  .203  62 187  38  4  1  6  19  16   2  13  44   0
Mike Siani             33387 Cin  .167   9  24   4  0  0  0   1   0   0   0   7   0
Josh H. Smith          33781 Tex  .197  73 213  42  5  0  2  23  16   7  28  50   4
Canaan Smith-Njigba    33900 Pit  .200   3   5   1  1  0  0   1   0   1   1   0   0
Lenyn Sosa             33102 ChA  .114  11  35   4  1  0  1   3   1   0   1  12   0
Livan Soto             33823 LAA  .400  18  55  22  5  1  1   9   9   0   2  13   1
Spencer Steer          33731 Cin  .211  28  95  20  5  0  2  12   8   2  11  26   0
Michael Stefanic       33124 LAA  .197  25  61  12  2  0  0   5   0   2   5  12   0
Cal Stevenson          32962 Oak  .167  23  60  10  3  0  0   5   1   0   8  23   1
Bryson Stott           33489 Phi  .234 127 427 100 19  2 10  58  49   1  36  89  12
Kyle Stowers           33757 Bal  .253  34  91  23  4  1  3  11  11   2   5  29   0
Jack Suwinski          33767 Pit  .202 106 326  66 11  0 19  45  38   4  41 114   4
Seiya Suzuki           33487 ChN  .262 111 397 104 22  2 14  54  46   4  42 110   9
Travis Swaggerty       33197 Pit  .111   5   9   1  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   4   0
Alek Thomas            33306 Ari  .231 113 381  88 17  1  8  45  39   3  22  74   4
Cody Thomas            31736 Oak  .267  10  30   8  0  0  0   1   0   0   2  12   0
Bubba Thompson         32257 Tex  .265  55 170  45  5  0  1  18   9   2   7  56  18
Michael Toglia         33791 Col  .216  31 111  24  8  2  2  10  12   0   9  44   1
Spencer Torkelson      33473 Det  .203 110 360  73 16  1  8  38  28   5  37  99   0
Ezequiel Tovar         34297 Col  .212   9  33   7  1  0  1   2   2   0   2   9   0
Miguel Vargas          33388 LAN  .170  18  47   8  1  0  1   4   8   0   2  13   1
Terrin Vavra           33422 Bal  .258  40  89  23  2  1  1  14  12   0  12  19   0
Nelson Velazquez       33914 ChN  .205  77 185  38  7  3  6  20  26   2  19  65   5
Mark Vientos           33748 NYN  .167  16  36   6  1  0  1   3   3   0   5  12   0
David Villar           33001 SF   .231  52 156  36  6  1  9  21  24   6  18  58   0
Steele Walker          33185 Tex  .071   5  14   1  0  0  1   1   1   0   2   4   0
Matt Wallner           33809 Min  .228  18  57  13  3  0  2   4  10   2   6  25   1
Drew Waters            32872 KC   .240  32  96  23  6  1  5  14  18   0  12  40   0
Marcus Wilson          31429 Sea  .200   3   5   1  0  0  0   1   0   0   1   4   0
Bobby Witt Jr          33482 KC   .254 150 591 150 31  6 20  82  80   6  30 135  30
Juan Yepez             31472 StL  .253  76 253  64 13  0 12  27  30   1  16  61   0
Jared Young            33939 ChN  .263   6  19   5  2  0  0   2   0   0   3   7   1


Name                    UID  Tm    G  GS  W  L  S    ERA   Inn   H   R  ER  BB   K HR
---------------------- ----- --- ---  -- -- -- -- ------ ----- --- --- --- --- --- --
Jason Alexander        32853 Mil  18  11  2  3  0   5.40  71.7  88  47  43  28  46 12
Cam Alldred            34096 Pit   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   1.0   1   0   0   0   1  0
Mark Appel             29463 Phi   6   0  0  0  0   1.74  10.3   9   2   2   3   5  0
Graham Ashcraft        33750 Cin  19  19  5  6  0   4.89 105.0 119  61  57  30  71 11
Javier Assad           33669 ChN   9   8  2  2  0   3.11  37.7  35  14  13  20  30  4
Tanner Banks           32305 ChA  35   0  2  0  0   3.06  53.0  42  25  18  18  49  5
Luke Barker            32875 Mil   3   0  0  0  0  11.25   4.0   7   5   5   0   3  2
Felix Bautista         33475 Bal  65   0  4  4 15   2.19  65.7  38  18  16  23  88  7
Brayan Bello           33984 Bos  13  11  2  8  0   4.71  57.3  75  34  30  27  55  1
Brennan Bernardino     32775 Sea   2   0  0  1  0   3.86   2.3   3   3   1   2   0  0
Jake Bird              33532 Col  38   0  2  4  0   4.91  47.7  45  29  26  23  42  7
Ronel Blanco           32315 Hou   7   0  0  0  0   7.11   6.3   8   5   5   4   7  1
Kyle Bradish           34016 Bal  23  23  4  7  0   4.90 117.7 119  68  64  46 111 17
Matt Brash             33469 Sea  39   5  4  4  0   4.44  50.7  46  25  25  33  62  3
Huascar Brazoban       31888 Mia  27   0  1  1  0   3.09  32.0  26  13  11  21  40  3
Beau Brieske           34245 Det  15  15  3  6  0   4.19  81.7  73  39  38  25  54 14
Hunter Brown           34160 Hou   7   2  2  0  0   0.89  20.3  15   2   2   7  22  0
Jose Butto             33907 NYN   1   1  0  0  0  15.75   4.0   9   7   7   2   5  2
Yennier Cano           33709 Min  10   0  1  0  0   9.22  13.7  17  14  14  11  14  3
Yennier Cano           33709 Bal   3   0  0  1  0  18.69   4.3   9   9   9   5   7  0
Luis F. Castillo       34286 Det   3   0  0  0  0   0.00   3.7   2   0   0   0   4  0
Max Castillo           33706 KC    5   4  0  2  0   9.16  18.7  23  19  19  10  17  4
Max Castillo           33706 Tor   9   2  0  0  0   3.05  20.7  15   9   7   5  20  4
Cade Cavalli           33956 Was   1   1  0  1  0  14.54   4.3   6   7   7   2   6  0
Fernando Cruz          34292 Cin  14   2  0  1  0   1.23  14.7   9   3   2   9  21  1
Jose Cuas              34279 KC   47   0  4  2  1   3.58  37.7  39  18  15  24  34  2
Xzavion Curry          33881 Cle   2   2  0  1  0   5.79   9.3  13   7   6   6   3  1
Tyler Cyr              31563 Phi   1   0  0  0  0  27.00   0.3   2   1   1   0   0  1
Tyler Cyr              31563 Oak  11   0  1  0  0   2.08  13.0   9   3   3   5  16  1
Noah Davis             33611 Col   1   0  0  0  0  18.00   1.0   3   2   2   1   2  1
Angel De Jesus         33789 Det   8   0  0  0  0   2.13  12.7   9   3   3   4   7  2
Yerry De Los Santos    33584 Pit  26   0  0  3  3   4.91  25.7  22  18  14  11  26  3
Bryce de Oca           33552 NYN   3   0  0  0  0  10.80   3.3   7   4   4   2   6  0
Alexis Diaz            33476 Cin  59   0  7  3 10   1.84  63.7  28  18  13  33  83  5
Daniel Duarte          33477 Cin   3   0  0  0  0  10.12   2.7   3   3   3   3   2  1
Jhoan Duran            32152 Min  57   0  2  4  8   1.86  67.7  50  15  14  16  89  6
Nick Duron             33391 Phi   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   1.0   2   0   0   0   1  0
Bryce Elder            33493 Atl  10   9  2  4  0   3.17  54.0  44  19  19  23  47  4
Anderson Espinoza      31602 ChN   7   0  0  2  0   5.40  18.3  14  11  11  16  19  4
Jeremiah Estrada       34291 ChN   5   0  0  0  0   3.18   5.7   6   2   2   3   8  1
Alex Faedo             32120 Det  12  12  1  5  0   5.53  53.7  63  34  33  25  44  7
Calvin Faucher         33924 Tam  22   0  2  3  1   5.48  21.3  26  16  13  10  21  4
Nate Fisher            34225 NYN   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   3.0   1   0   0   2   1  0
Jake Fishman           32337 Mia   7   0  0  0  0   4.09  11.0  13   5   5   0   6  0
Bowden Francis         32859 Tor   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   0.7   1   0   0   0   1  0
Hunter Gaddis          34285 Cle   2   2  0  2  0  18.41   7.3  15  15  15   3   5  7
Matt Gage              31964 Tor  11   0  0  1  0   1.38  13.0   6   4   2   6  12  1
Frank German           34050 Bos   5   0  0  0  0  18.00   4.0   7   8   8   4   4  2
Logan Gillaspie        33822 Bal  17   0  1  0  0   3.12  17.3  20   8   6   3  10  1
MacKenzie Gore         32269 SD   16  13  4  4  0   4.50  70.0  66  35  35  37  72  7
Hunter Greene          32268 Cin  24  24  5 13  0   4.44 125.7 104  64  62  48 164 24
Michael Grove          33882 LAN   7   6  1  0  0   4.60  29.3  32  21  15  10  24  6
DL Hall                32273 Bal  11   1  1  1  1   5.93  13.7  17   9   9   6  19  0
Ronny Henriquez        33987 Min   3   0  0  1  0   2.31  11.7   8   4   3   3   9  1
Tommy Henry            33869 Ari   9   9  3  4  0   5.36  47.0  47  28  28  21  36 10
Kevin Herget           31054 Tam   3   0  0  1  0   7.71   7.0   9   6   6   0   4  0
Garrett Hill           34100 Det  17   8  3  3  0   4.03  60.3  53  29  27  29  40  8
Sean Hjelle            33177 SF    8   0  1  2  0   5.76  25.0  33  19  16   8  28  3
Bryan Hoeing           34288 Mia   8   1  1  1  0  12.08  12.7  19  17  17   5   6  5
Colin Holderman        33795 Pit   9   0  1  0  0   6.75  10.7   9   8   8   7   6  0
Colin Holderman        33795 NYN  15   0  4  0  0   2.04  17.7  11   6   4   7  18  0
Gavin Hollowell        34295 Col   6   0  0  2  0   7.71   7.0   7   7   6   4   8  1
Tyler Holton           33642 Ari  10   0  0  0  0   3.00   9.0   8   3   3   2   6  1
Brandon Hughes         33938 ChN  57   0  2  3  8   3.12  57.7  42  22  20  21  68 11
Zach Jackson           32208 Oak  54   0  2  3  3   3.00  48.0  28  18  16  33  67  1
Drey Jameson           34169 Ari   4   4  3  0  0   1.48  24.3  20   4   4   7  24  2
Michael Kelly          30971 Phi   4   0  0  0  0   2.25   4.0   3   1   1   1   4  1
Zack Kelly             32901 Bos  13   0  1  0  0   3.95  13.7  14   6   6   4  11  2
Ray Kerr               33153 SD    7   0  0  0  0   9.00   5.0   3   5   5   4   3  1
Caleb Kilian           33745 ChN   3   3  0  2  0  10.32  11.3  11  15  13  12   9  0
George Kirby           33792 Sea  25  25  8  5  0   3.39 130.0 135  54  49  22 133 13
Jared Koenig           34282 Oak  10   5  1  3  0   5.72  39.3  40  25  25  15  22  4
A.J. Ladwig            31765 Mia   1   0  0  0  0  10.80   3.3   6   4   4   0   0  2
Evan Lee               34280 Was   4   1  0  1  0   4.15   8.7   9   5   4   7   7  1
Jacob Lemoine          32672 Oak   9   0  0  0  0   7.71  16.3  18  15  14   7  13  4
Matthew Liberatore     33776 StL   9   7  2  2  0   5.97  34.7  42  23  23  18  28  5
Brendon Little         32177 ChN   1   0  0  1  0  40.50   0.7   2   3   3   1   0  1
Nick Lodolo            33438 Cin  19  19  4  7  0   3.66 103.3  90  44  42  39 131 13
Zach Logue             32764 Oak  14  10  3  8  0   6.79  57.0  68  44  43  20  42 13
Ron Marinaccio         33472 NYA  40   0  1  0  0   2.05  44.0  22  12  10  24  56  2
Yunior Marte           32398 SF   39   0  1  1  0   5.44  48.0  47  32  29  22  44  5
Davis Martin           33597 ChA  14   9  3  6  0   4.83  63.3  63  36  34  19  48  8
Adrian Martinez        33588 Oak  12  12  4  6  0   6.24  57.7  69  42  40  19  53 13
Kirk McCarty           33752 Cle  13   2  4  3  0   4.54  37.7  37  23  19  13  26 11
Easton McGee           33741 Tam   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   3.0   4   1   0   0   1  0
Max Meyer              33960 Mia   2   2  0  1  0   7.50   6.0   7   5   5   2   6  2
Francisco Morales      33293 Phi   3   0  0  0  1   7.20   5.0   2   5   4   6   3  1
Cody Morris            33481 Cle   7   5  1  2  0   2.28  23.7  21   8   6  12  23  3
Penn Murfee            33147 Sea  64   1  4  0  0   2.99  69.3  48  23  23  18  76  7
Parker Mushinski       33494 Hou   7   0  0  0  0   3.68   7.3   5   3   3   3   8  0
James Naile            32412 StL   7   0  0  0  0   5.00   9.0   8   5   5   2   5  2
Andrew Nardi           33968 Mia  13   0  1  1  0   9.82  14.7  25  17  16  14  24  5
Ryne Nelson            33765 Ari   3   3  1  1  0   1.47  18.3   9   4   3   6  16  2
Cristofer Ogando       33515 Tam   3   0  0  0  0   4.15   4.3   4   2   2   1   2  0
Adam Oller             33485 Oak  19  14  2  8  0   6.30  74.3  82  55  52  39  46 17
Luis Leandro Ortiz     34296 Pit   4   4  0  2  0   4.50  16.0   8   9   8  10  17  1
Nicholas Padilla       34289 ChN   1   0  0  0  0   5.40   1.7   2   1   1   2   1  0
Andre Pallante         33478 StL  47  10  6  5  0   3.17 108.0 113  39  38  40  73  9
Ryan Pepiot            34168 LAN   9   7  3  0  0   3.47  36.3  26  15  14  27  42  6
Konnor Pilkington      33480 Cle  15  11  1  2  0   3.88  58.0  53  30  25  32  50  6
Michael Plassmeyer     33123 Phi   2   0  0  1  0   3.68   7.3   9   3   3   1   7  1
Cole Ragans            33685 Tex   9   9  0  3  0   4.95  40.0  43  24  22  16  27  6
Denyi Reyes            32144 Bal   3   1  0  0  0   2.35   7.7   8   2   2   1   3  0
Ethan Roberts          33488 ChN   9   0  0  1  0   8.22   7.7  10   7   7   6   9  3
Elvin Rodriguez        33474 Det   7   5  0  4  0  10.62  29.7  42  35  35  15  25 12
Yerry Rodriguez        33267 Tex   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   1.0   1   0   0   0   1  0
Tommy Romero           33194 Tam   3   1  1  0  0   7.71   4.7   3   4   4   5   5  2
Tommy Romero           33194 Was   1   1  0  1  0  14.73   3.7   8   8   6   4   2  5
Kenny Rosenberg        32855 LAA   3   1  0  0  0   4.22  10.7   9   5   5   6   8  1
Bubby Rossman          34283 Phi   1   0  0  0  0  18.00   1.0   1   2   2   1   1  1
Norge Ruiz             32433 Oak  14   0  0  1  0   7.11  19.0  30  16  15   7  18  4
Phoenix Sanders        32889 Tam   8   0  0  0  0   3.07  14.7  12   5   5   3  12  0
Cole Sands             33324 Min  11   3  0  3  1   5.87  30.7  35  21  20  13  28  4
JP Sears               33471 NYA   7   2  3  0  0   2.05  22.0  14   5   5   5  15  1
JP Sears               33471 Oak  10   9  3  3  0   4.69  48.0  53  26  25  18  36  7
Cody Sedlock           31629 Bal   1   0  0  0  0  15.00   3.0   6   5   5   1   3  0
Anderson Severino      33492 ChA   6   0  0  0  0   6.14   7.3   7   5   5   4   9  0
Chase Silseth          34278 LAA   7   7  1  3  0   6.59  28.7  33  21  21  12  24  7
Ethan Small            33618 Mil   2   2  0  0  0   7.11   6.3   8   5   5   8   7  1
Chad Smith             32970 Col  15   0  0  1  0   7.50  18.0  16  15  15  15  23  2
Collin Snider          33483 KC   42   0  4  2  0   6.55  34.3  40  25  25  15  22  3
Jared Solomon          33299 Cin   9   0  0  0  0  10.80   8.3   8  10  10   5   9  3
Bennett Sousa          32945 ChA  25   0  3  0  1   8.41  20.3  25  20  19  10  12  3
Peter Strzelecki       33565 Mil  30   0  2  1  1   2.83  35.0  28  13  11  15  40  2
Robert Suarez          33491 SD   45   0  5  1  1   2.27  47.7  29  13  12  21  61  4
Beau Sulser            32891 Pit   4   0  0  0  0   3.72   9.7   8   9   4   6  10  1
Beau Sulser            32891 Bal   6   0  0  0  0   3.55  12.7  16   5   5   3   9  2
Matt Swarmer           31967 ChN  11   5  2  3  0   5.03  34.0  33  26  19  20  36 12
Freddy Tarnok          32285 Atl   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   0.7   1   0   0   0   1  0
Jackson Tetreault      32881 Was   4   4  2  2  0   5.14  21.0  23  15  12  10   9  4
Zack Thompson          34281 StL  22   1  1  1  1   2.08  34.7  20   9   8  14  27  3
Tanner Tully           32839 Cle   3   0  0  0  0   6.00   6.0   8   4   4   6   2  1
Erich Uelmen           32291 ChN  25   0  2  1  1   4.67  27.0  25  15  14  12  21  3
Louie Varland          34293 Min   5   5  1  2  0   3.81  26.0  26  11  11   6  21  4
Nick Vespi             33647 Bal  25   0  5  0  1   4.10  26.3  29  12  12   8  28  5
Cam Vieaux             32458 Pit   8   0  0  0  0  10.38   8.7  15  11  10   5  15  2
Cole Waites            34294 SF    7   0  0  0  0   3.18   5.7   6   2   2   4   4  1
Ken Waldichuk          34159 Oak   7   7  2  2  0   4.93  34.7  32  19  19  10  33  5
Jake Walsh             33861 StL   3   0  0  1  0  13.50   2.7   3   4   4   2   5  0
Nash Walters           34298 LAA   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   0.3   1   0   0   1   0  0
Greg Weissert          33028 NYA  12   0  3  0  0   5.56  11.3   6   7   7   5  11  1
Joey Wentz             31636 Det   7   7  2  2  0   3.03  32.7  23  13  11  13  27  2
Hayden Wesneski        33784 ChN   6   4  3  2  0   2.18  33.0  24   9   8   7  33  3
Collin Wiles           31828 Oak   4   0  0  0  0   4.66   9.7  11   6   5   2   9  1
Steven Wilson          33190 SD   50   1  4  2  1   3.06  53.0  36  20  18  20  53  7
Josh Winckowski        33801 Bos  15  14  5  7  0   5.89  70.3  85  47  46  27  44 10
Josh Winder            33484 Min  15  11  4  6  0   4.70  67.0  69  37  35  18  47 11
William Woods          34277 Atl   2   0  0  0  0   0.00   2.0   2   0   0   1   2  0
Simeon Woods Richardson33418 Min   1   1  0  1  0   3.60   5.0   3   3   2   2   3  1
Daniel Young           32468 Sea   2   0  0  0  0   7.36   3.7   7   3   3   2   5  1
Daniel Young           32468 Atl   1   0  0  0  0   0.00   2.7   4   0   0   0   1  0
Aneurys Zabala         32112 Mia   2   0  0  0  0   0.00   2.7   3   0   0   1   2  0

2022 Postseason Teams database is now available!


The 2022 Postseason Teams database includes all of the rosters, stats, ratings, manager profiles, park factors and other details that you need to play along with the 2022 MLB Playoffs. This database is provided free of charge for customers that previously bought the 2022 Projection Season database.

For this release, all players have been updated with their end-of-regular-season stats and the player ratings have been carried over from the 2022 projections database. In most cases, the 26-man rosters are our best guess since most teams had not announced their playoff rosters before the database was prepared for release.

This database includes the 12 teams that qualified for the 2022 MLB postseason with the Wild Card round matchups and schedule set.

From the American League: Cleveland Guardians, Houston Astros, New York Yankees, Seattle Mariners, Tampa Bay Rays and Toronto Blue Jays.

From the National League: Atlanta Braves, Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Mets, Philadelphia Phillies, San Diego Padres and St. Louis Cardinals.

Here's your chance to manage all these teams in postseason play to determine the 2022 World Series Champion!

If you have already purchased the 2022 ZiPS Projection Season, you should be receiving an email notifying you that an update is available that includes the link to download the postseason teams file. Remember to check your spam/junk folder, but if you do not receive the update email, contact us at to request your copy.

The 2022 Postseason Teams set can also be purchased separately for $9.95.

Note: This season database is a companion product for the Diamond Mind Baseball version 12 game. To use this database, you must also have Diamond Mind Baseball version 12. The game software provides you with all of the tools you need to play simulated games, make roster moves, produce dozens of statistical reports, generate league schedules, and more.

1953 Deluxe Past Season with transactions and lineups available now!

Welcome to the 1953 Deluxe Past Season from Diamond Mind Baseball. An exciting year from the professionals, take your game to the next level and grab the 1953 season. This is the year where Roberts and Spahn put up 23 wins apiece, but it ís the team from the Bronx that again grabs the headlines in October. Five in a row now for the Yanks, once again over Brooklyn.

The 1953 Deluxe Past Season database contains everything you need to play games using teams and players from the 1953 season -- a full set of ratings and statistics for every player who appeared in the big leagues that year, plus team rosters, manager profiles, ballpark ratings and league schedules. Statistics include official batting, pitching and fielding totals with left/right splits for all batters and pitchers.

More than just an update to the original Classic Past Season database, this "deluxed" edition has been recreated from an empty file as a completely new database using new tools and all of the latest statistical data from the most up-to-date online sources.

Database contents:

  • basic player facts: names, batting and throwing hands, birthdates
  • official batting and pitching statistics, including left/right splits
  • fielding statistics by position
  • games started at each position against left- and right-handed pitchers
  • thousands of player ratings that you can see: injury, bunting, range, running, throwing, and so on
  • thousands more player ratings that you can't see: the event tables and pitch-by-pitch ratings that make the game produce accurate results
  • opening day rosters for every team, plus nearly 800 real-life transactions
  • manager profiles for every team, including starting rotations, bullpen roles, saved lineups, depth charts, manager and player tendencies
  • ballpark data, including dimensions, park factors, and weather ratings
  • the original (as-scheduled) and as-played schedules for the season
  • real-life starting lineups for every game played this season

The 1953 Deluxe Past Season database is priced at $24.95 and is available in version 12 format only. This means it can be installed with Diamond Mind Baseball: Version 12 but cannot be used with any other earlier version of the game.

Customers who have previously bought Diamond Mind's 1953 Classic Past Season database are eligible to buy this upgraded edition for the discounted price of $10. Send an email to to request your discount promotion code.

Quick Links:

1953 Deluxe Past Season Database

Diamond Mind Baseball Game

How to Install a DMB Season Database

Tips for getting your season replay started

New and recently upgraded DMB databases

2022 ZiPS Projections Database now available! (Updated)

For 2022, we have again partnered with Dan Szymborski to bring you our projections database featuring stats and ratings generated by Dan's highly regarded ZiPS projection system.

The 2022 Projection Season database includes updated rosters that incorporate off-season player moves; the new schedule; projected batting and pitching stats for more than 3000 players, including many top prospects; and manager profiles set up with rotations, lineups, and depth charts that represent our assessment of how the players will be used during the season.

The 2022 Projection Season database is priced at $24.95 and is available in version 12 format only. This means it can be installed with Diamond Mind Baseball: Version 12 but cannot be used with any other earlier version of the game.

Sorry we're late. We realize that the projections database is being released later than usual this year so as a thank you for your patience we are offering a free gift with each order.

For a limited time*, customers who buy the 2022 Projection Season database can receive a free e-gift card of equal value ($24.95). Please contact us at to request your e-gift card after you have placed your order. The e-gift card does not expire and can be used for any future purchase at the Diamond Mind online store.

Postseason Teams. All customers who buy the 2022 Projection Season database before October 1st, 2022 will receive the 2022 Postseason Teams database for no extra charge in early October.

Ballparks. We have added a new DMB style ballpark diagram for the 2022 season: Oriole Park at Camden Yards (updated in 2022). This image file is available as a free download from our Park Images page.

* Free e-gift card offer ends July 31, 2022.

We have updated our master copy of the 2022 ZiPS Projections Season database to correct the schedule.

To check if your copy of the 2022 ZiPS Projections Season database is up to date, have a look in the Notes tab of the Organizer window with your installed copy of the 2022 projections season as the active database. If the date of the "2022 Updates" note is 6/15/2022 or later then you have the most up to date version.

Registered owners of the 2022 ZiPS Projections Season database can request a new installation file that includes these updates by contacting DMB support at

Visit our Season Database Corrections page for more information about this update and any corrections, downloads, and patches that are available for any of our season databases.

1957 Deluxe Past Season with transactions and lineups available now!

Ready to experience the season of the decade? Diamond Mind's 1957 Deluxe Past Season has Spahn, Buhl, Burdette, Aaron, Mathews. It's the Braves over the Yanks in seven, for the first time since 1948 a team from outside New York wins the title. Grab this season now!

The 1957 Deluxe Past Season database contains everything you need to play games using teams and players from the 1957 season -- a full set of ratings and statistics for every player who appeared in the big leagues that year, plus team rosters, manager profiles, ballpark ratings and league schedules. Statistics include official batting, pitching and fielding totals with left/right splits for all batters and pitchers.

More than just an update to the original Classic Past Season database, this "deluxed" edition has been recreated from an empty file as a completely new database using new tools and all of the latest statistical data from the most up-to-date online sources.

Database contents:

  • basic player facts: names, batting and throwing hands, birthdates
  • official batting and pitching statistics, including left/right splits
  • fielding statistics by position
  • games started at each position against left- and right-handed pitchers
  • thousands of player ratings that you can see: injury, bunting, range, running, throwing, and so on
  • thousands more player ratings that you can't see: the event tables and pitch-by-pitch ratings that make the game produce accurate results
  • opening day rosters for every team, plus nearly 1000 real-life transactions
  • manager profiles for every team, including starting rotations, bullpen roles, saved lineups, depth charts, manager and player tendencies
  • ballpark data, including dimensions, park factors, and weather ratings
  • the original (as-scheduled) and as-played schedules for the season
  • real-life starting lineups for every game played this season

The 1957 Deluxe Past Season database is priced at $24.95 and is available in version 12 format only. This means it can be installed with Diamond Mind Baseball: Version 12 but cannot be used with any other earlier version of the game.

Customers who have previously bought Diamond Mind's 1957 Classic Past Season database are eligible to buy this upgraded edition for the discounted price of $10. Send an email to to request your discount promotion code.

Quick Links:

1957 Deluxe Past Season Database

Diamond Mind Baseball Game

How to Install a DMB Season Database

Tips for getting your season replay started

New and recently upgraded DMB databases