

DPS1969 Available April 30, 2015


 New Deluxe Past Seasons Available on April 30, 2015 

The 1969 season is the most recent to get the Deluxe treatment – the DPS version of 1969 will be available on April 30, 2015.  When available, you can purchase the 1969 deluxe season in the online store for $24.95.   

If you already own the Classic Past Season of 1969, you can upgrade to Deluxe for $10.00.  To do so, send an email to  Once we’ve verified your ownership of the 1969 CPS, we’ll send you a promotional code so you can purchase the Deluxe version at the upgrade price.

2015 Projection Database Available on April 15, 2015


 2015 “Dynamic” Season Projection Available on April 15!

 Developed in conjunction with Dan Szymborski using his ZiPS projection system, the DMB 2015 Season Projection database will be available on April 15, which will be our release date each year from now on.  In the past, we’ve tried to release Projection products prior to or in conjunction with MLB’s Opening Day, but that creates too much of a rush to incorporate new data and Opening Day rosters.  An April 15 release date will allow for a more accurate product.

 For the 2015 download, we will try something new by making the product dynamic – we will update the player projections around the All-Star Break to reflect performance in the season to that point and projected through the remainder of the season.  At the end of the season, we update them again for the playoff teams.  If you purchase the DMB 2015 Projection database, you will receive these updates free of charge as soon as the updates are ready.

 You can purchase the DMB 2015 Projection database starting April 15 in the online store for $29.95, which includes the initial Projection database plus the two free updates (mid-season and for the playoffs).

The 2015 Projection Database will be available in V11 format only

Normalization of Players in the DMB All Great Players 2015 database

Normalization of Players in AGP2015

Pro baseball players compiled their real-life stats in different eras and different parks.  Players are rated based on their career stats, taking into account both career and peak value. When we normalize each player’s ratings, we compare his performance in each aspect against a baseline of average for the era and the home park(s) in which he played. For example, a guy who hit 30 home runs while playing half his games in, say, the Astrodome, is likely to be stronger than a guy who hit 30 bombs in Coors Field. Likewise, a guy who hit .300 in 1967 is likely to hit for a better average than a guy who hit .300 in 1930 … all other things being equal. Depending on how you play, your players will be playing in different eras and parks and facing different opponents than they did in their real-life careers and may perform differently as a result. Therefore, you should not expect your players to exactly match their real-life stats. You should expect them to match their real-life stats adjusted for how their real-life era/parks/teammates/opposition compare to the era/parks/teammates/opposition, because we do adjust the players’ hitting, pitching and defense (as well as durability) based on the era and home ballpark each played in as well as certain team situations that may have affected those statistics.

Previous DMB Game Owners May Be Eligible For Price Discounts


If you own a previous version of any DMB game version and wish to upgrade to Diamond Mind Version 11, contact us at for a $5.00 off discount code.

Diamond Mind Gets A Great Review


The MLB guy at says "It's considered the best simulator out there."

Top Baseball Simulators
Can't get enough baseball on the field? It can all live on your computer, too

Baseball is different from every other sport because its statistics live and breathe. There's a constant dialogue about baseball's eras and players. How would Babe Ruth stack up today? Would Roger Clemens strike out Ty Cobb?

And on a personal note, could you run the Yankees better than George Steinbrenner? And do your GM and managing abilities stack up to other baseball fans?

These computer games and board games can satisfy that itch, and be a blast doing it.

" Diamond Mind Baseball
Diamond Mind is a computer simulation that's been around for more than 20 years, and its intricate engine is used by ESPN and other media to simulate seasons. It's considered the best simulator out there.

Its main concept: Players draft a team using past players and then try to beat other owners in a 12-team league in a simulated 162-game season. It's not as easy as sticking Mickey Mantle in center, Babe Ruth in right and putting Cy Young on the mound, either. You have a salary cap and can only afford a few superstars for your team, so you'll be filling out your roster with players you probably forgot about long ago. And that's part of the fun.

The online version costs $19.95 per team. There's also a downloadable version...