DMB News March 2015



2 New All-Time Greatest Players Downloads Available Now!


Two new All-Time Greatest Players (AGP) databases are now available. Unlike DMB’s season downloads, the players in AGP are rated to reflect their career performance rather than that of a single season. Players with longer careers were rated based on their best series of peak seasons, while players with shorter careers were rated based on their entire careers. This effectively normalizes career length by removing the “penalty” of long careers, preventing the dilution of the statistical decline in later years of long-career stars. Each player’s statistics are then normalized* relative to the era and parks in which each played. 

AGP2015 is available in two volumes: 

All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 1: Pre-1969 

This AGP database gives you a great way to play games using more than 2100 of the best players in baseball history that played before 1969. In addition, Volume 1 includes more than 100 of the greatest Negro Leagues Players, normalized to MLB standards. Volume 1 players are organized into 48 teams based on the real-life franchises they were most closely affiliated with during their peak periods.

All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 2: Post-1969

The AGP 2015 Volume 2 database gives you a great way to play games using more than 2100 of the best players in baseball history who played in 1969 and after. In addition, Volume 2 includes more than 20 of the greatest Nippon Professional Baseball players from Japan, normalized to MLB standards. Volume 2 players are organized into 48 teams based on the real-life franchises they were most closely affiliated with during their peak periods.

Each volume is available for $29.95. Want both volumes? Buy the complete AGP2015 two-volume set for $49.95, a $10 discount. 

If you are an owner of the AGP2006 database, contact for a 25% discount code on either or both AGP2015 Volumes (discount cannot be used in combination with the $10 discount described above). 

To get your AGP2015, click here.  Available for version 10 and 11 only. 

Don’t have version 11 yet? If you are a registered owner of any DMB game version, you can get $5 off the price of DMB version 11. Email to request a discount code.


Happy Opening Day from the Diamond Mind team!


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