The All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 1 and Volume 2 databases give you a great way to play games using more than 4500 of the best players in baseball history. Released in April 2015, the AGP2015 can be purchased either as a separate Volume 1 or Volume 2 database or both volumes bundled together for additional savings. For previous owners of the AGP2006 version, you can upgrade at a 25% discount by contacting dmb_info@imaginesports.com
All of the players have been selected and rated based on their best series of peak seasons, with each season evaluated relative to the norms for that era and adjusted for park effects. The players in each volume are organized into 48 teams based on the real-life franchises they were most closely affiliated with during their peak periods.
Everything is in place to allow you to start playing games the moment you install the set, but remember that there's almost no limit to the ways you can use these players and teams. You can also run a draft, restructure the league, generate a new schedule, change the manager profiles, and move players and teams to/from other Diamond Mind seasons.
** Important Note ** The All-Time Greatest Players databases are companion products for the Diamond Mind Baseball game. To use these databases, you must also have Diamond Mind Baseball version 12. The game software provides you with all of the tools you need to play simulated games, make roster moves, produce dozens of statistical reports, generate league schedules, and more >>
Special Bundle Price! Buy the All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 1 database together with the All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 2 database and get the All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 2 database for 35% off the regular price. Add both items to your cart and enter shopping code AGP2015BUN on the checkout page to apply the discount.