About The Game — About The Game


Comments from Customers

Here are just a few of the things they've had to say

We've heard from hundreds of our customers by mail, email and fax about their experiences with Diamond Mind Baseball:

"I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for your excellent service. In addition, my thanks for not only developing the best baseball simulation/game on the market, but also for your collective efforts at continuously working to improve the game. I've been in and out of the hospital this past year and DMB has been an excellent companion and a reminder that baseball is still the greatest game in the world." -- August 2006

"I have been dealing with DMB for over 12 years and have always been extremely pleased with the product, customer and technical service I have received from this company. Software companies are notorious for poor customer and technical service..........DMB is the exception, and in my experience the ONLY company I have ever dealt with that absolutely puts the customer, and their needs, first! Keep up the OUTSTANDING work!" -- March 2006

"I've been dealing with Diamond Mind since the early days of the company. In all those years, I cant recall a transaction that didn't go smoothly. Each of the people there has been consistently knowledgeable, pleasant, and efficient. The Diamond Mind baseball game is, by far, the most realistic game on the market. It has captured the intricacies of a complex game, and made it extremely easy to play. Each player is re-created in every phase of the game. Great product. Great people. What more can I say?" -- November 2005

"The best simulated baseball game I`ve played. The realism is incredible. The total control with every pitch is outstanding.I never imagined a game with every pitch would be so easy. That the time taken to play a game is also impressive. I can tell you that I will be a Diamond Mind player forever,this game is something I`ve been waiting for nearly 30 years. Thank you so much. I`m very happy!" -- May 2005

"Diamond Mind is an outstanding company in all respects. I have been a customer for nearly 20 years and I am always impressed by their sensitivity to individual customer needs. When I have a question, I get a warm and prompt response from their customer service representatives, and I am always made to feel that I am their only customer. The quality of the Diamond Mind products is without equal in their area, and they constantly seek customer input as they develop and improve their offerings. The information that they provide for customers both in print and online is extremely helpful and attractively packaged. I will continue to give Diamond Mind baseball the loyalty that it has earned from me over 20 years of impeccable service." -- April 2005

"They are simply the best at what they do. There is no doubt that they are emotionally invested in providing the best baseball simulation of its kind. They are fans themselves. There are few merchants or companies with which I deal that I would rate this highly." -- April 2005

"Outstanding. I have never had anything less than an excellent buying experience with this company. In addition, their customer service and support might well be the best with which I have ever dealt. A lot of other companies could take lessons from Diamond Mind on how to treat their customers." -- January 2005

"I just feel compelled to let DMB know this game is just too good. The more I play, the more immersed I get. Finally a pitch by pitch representation of the true game of baseball. And a CM that understands baseball and makes logical strategic moves. Add that to a user friendly screen that contains all of the information I need and information easily within reach. This game is miles ahead of any other on the market. With the emphasis on arcade games, I feared sims would disappear the way of the dinosaur. No arcade game can replicate baseball because the emphasis is on presentation and not a sim-like experience. DMB is the most realistic game to date, bar none." -- January 2005

"Diamond Mind is perhaps one of the best companies to deal with, especially when it comes to customer service and products. Diamond Mind, I give you my props." -- December 2004

"I have been playing Diamond Mind Baseball for nine years. I find the game to be very realistic in its depiction of baseball game events based on very specific skill sets of the players involved in any particular play. What it lacks in graphic action is more than adequately compensated for in terms of intellectual stimulation." -- December 2004

"Wow....just unbelievable....this is a perfect computer game for anyone who wants to manage or general manage or just watch seasons being replayed to see the results!! I have thoroughly enjoyed this game and would pay multiple times what I have been charged in order to play Diamond Mind Baseball. They were great with the delivery, great with the options for delivery and great with the actual software. Long live Diamond Mind Baseball." -- November 2004

"My friends and I have been playing PTP for 16 years, but until recently we were in a major drought.  We found Diamond Mind and are just concluding our first season.  We are all blown away by how much fun it is. We haven’t had any technical issues at all and are having the time of our lives with this. Thank you so much!" -- November 2004

"Diamond Mind Baseball is a great application, simulating baseball way above anything like I've ever seen. DMB is highly accurate and allows you to strategize at basic, intermediate and advanced levels. DMB is EXACTLY what I was looking for." -- November 2004

"As always, Diamond Mind continues to be a class act. They are always a pleasure to deal with and supply a quality product without an attitude." -- November 2004

"Love this game! If you are a die-hard baseball fan who eats statistics for lunch, this game is for you. The customer service has been superb so far." -- November 2004

"Diamond Mind Baseball has to be the best statistics-driven computer baseball simulation going. The feature I like the most is the ability to create players yourself from almost any time in baseball history -- not that you have to, since DMB offers so many season disks plus my favorite, the All-time Greatest Players Disk. Online ordering and very rapid shipping make this company tops in my book!" -- November 2004

"I just received my copy of DMB 9 and love it. I have been away from baseball sims for some time and wanted to return. I think that Diamond Mind has the best product on the market by a huge margin."--November 2004

"Can't get over how you guys have made a game that feels so much like the real thing.  I find myself stopping and thinking real hard about pitching decisions, pitch hitting and defensive subs like no other game."-- October 2004

"I would also like to add that it will be difficult to improve on version 9 but I am sure DMB will find a way. Thank you for allowing this old man to still feel like a part of America's favorite pastime."-- September 2004

"First played Pursue the Pennant in 1993 for my current league, the USBL, and I haven’t played anything else since. DMB is the best game I’ve played, board OR computer, and its consistency can’t be beaten."-- September 2004

"I do not believe I have played another online game that was so easy and intuitive." -- May 2004

"I have been into baseball simulation games for forty years, and Diamond Mind is the most statistically accurate game ever marketed. It plays easily at various levels and offers almost unlimited options as to strategy and league play." -- May 2004

"I am running your wonderful game on a Powerbook under Virtual PC and it works great. Thanks for the game. I enjoy it very much and that it runs on my Mac is all the better." -- April 2004

"You've really created a feeling of being in the dugout or in the stands with your play-by-play." -- April 2004

"I am so happy to be playing this game, every other baseball sim fails to compare." -- March 2004

"When V8 came out I said "it can't get any better than this." Then, you released V9. I have to admit, I was very wrong. This is a spectacular upgrade. Just for the PBP alone it was worth it, but, everything else is icing on the proverbial cake." -- March 2004

"Thanks again for providing an engrossing and near-perfect product. There are not many companies that deliver on their promises to the degree that Diamond Mind Baseball does." -- April 2004

"Just played my 1st series over the new DMB 9 Net Play. What a joy it is. Easy, easy hookup. Quick Play! No mistakes on sequence…bottom line.. AWESOME!" --April 2004

"Its an awesome product from a classy company." -- March 2004

"To let you know, I started playing [another game] when I was 13 years old. It was only available in a board version then. I've played [three DMB competitors]. Your product is, by far, the best baseball sim I've ever seen. You deserve a pat on the back!" -- March 2004

"I have dealt with them since 1986 or thereabouts. In every instance they have been helpful above and beyond. For my money they have the most fun to play and interesting game on the market. Any concern or question I've ever raised has been dealt with quickly and professionally. I couldn't be happier with the product or the friendly service." -- March 2004

"Diamond Mind Baseball remains the finest product of it's kind, the best shopping experience available, and the most supportive software company I've ever come across. Keep it up… you get better every year." -- February 2004

"The greatest players disk is the best baseball game I have ever played. Thank you!!" -- February 2004

"Your game is the best of it's kind by a mile." -- February 2004

"Thanks for the great products. I really enjoy the All-Time Great Disks (Players and Teams)." -- January 2004

"Great software and a great idea. They've done all the leg work to make the system as easy as possible, or as complex and as detailed as you want to make it. I know guys who walk away from a team after the draft and let the computer manager handle all the games and the owners may get involved for trades; I know other guys who are scouting the other team and trying to put together line ups based on the opposing pitcher and their players history against them, and then sit through each game and watch every pitch." -- January 2004

"In a world of poor customer sevice, Diamond Mind is a company with the old school approach that every order, regardless of size, is worthy of the best possible effort." --January 2004

"I have used DMB products for 15 years, and I continue to be impressed with both the playability and the sophistication of its games. The real rules of actual baseball apply here, and they don't take a back seat to sound effects or visual gimmicks." -- January 2004

"I've just recently bought and began playing your game, and I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I was a long time user of [another game], but this is so much better." -- Jan 04

"I play in [a league]. Your game is excellent and I am glad we have switched to it after countless searches through endless games." -- Dec 03

"Diamond Mind is the best baseball simulation game that I have so far encountered. It is good to do business with a company that has been around long enough to know what is important to the customer, including getting info from customers and tailoring its products to what those customers want." -- Dec 03

"I started my 1969 replay on February 24, 2002 with DMB8. After almost two years, I finally finished it last Sunday. I just wanted to thank you very much for your product. I used to [use other games] and it was only DMB that gave me the satisfying results and reporting tools to keep me interested in my replay." -- Dec 03

"My experience with Diamond Mind Baseball was beyond excellent. The product is the best and all the service was exceptional. I will buy from Diamond Mind Baseball again." -- Dec 03

"I think your DMB product is a wonderful game and just continues to get better each year. Thank you for continuing to make a fun and realistic game time and again." -- Nov 03

"Diamond Mind Baseball is the best baseball simulation product on the market. The statistical realism is mind-blowing!!!" -- Nov 03

"Best baseball simulation I've ever seen. Fun to play, too. The company goes out of their way to provide excellent service, and answers email questions quickly." -- Nov 03

"DMB is the best and forget the rest." -- Oct 03

"Simply the best computer baseball sim, bar none." -- Oct 03

"DMB is by far and away the best baseball simulation on the market. The company has terrific support and is there for you - even for dumb stuff - all the time. The package has everything and works like a charm. Its real baseball on a PC with a backup staff that is second to none." -- Oct 03

"Diamond Mind is a great product. It accurately simulates Major League Baseball. The Classic Seasons of the 1950's are my favorites. The game lets you participate as manager, coach, and/or GM. It is well worth the money." -- Sep 03

"The game is everything a strategic player could want. Their service is great. They are always improving and upgrading their product. Diamond Mind Baseball is the real deal." -- Sep 03

"If you really know baseball and are looking for a computer game to match wits with, Diamond Mind is the game for you! It is easy to learn and flexible enough to play any variety of ways. The drafting feature vs. the computer is fantastic! Creating or editing players is a snap. The people of Diamnd Mind are very helpful and a pleasure to deal with (either on-line or on the phone). I highly recommend this company and this game!" -- Sep 03

"Best baseball sim game period." -- Aug 03

"Just want to congratulate (and thank) you on a great effort with [the All-time Greatest Players disk]. I think your choice of using a series of peak seasons was right on. It strikes a good balance between the "one year wonders" and the vagaries of career stats." -- Jul 03

"I expected excellence from DMB because I've gotten it every time over the years --season after season and improvement after improvement. The rare error is always miniscule and corrected immediately when found. You won't find a better text game; their research is as good as it gets." -- Jul 03

"Best PC baseball game ever! Great customer service!" -- Jun 03

"I love Diamond Mind!!! They are the BEST company I have ever dealt with!" -- Jun 03

"I run a league along with a friend and we are finishing up our first season and think Diamond Mind Baseball is the best thing that ever came along for die-hard baseball fans like ourselves. Our league runs year round, so DMB helps us make it through the winter and still have baseball." -- May 03

"Your game, service, website and now web log = THE BEST! Many Thanks!" -- May 03

"Greatest ball game out there, hands down." -- Apr 03

"I've just switched from [a different game] to your game, and I am highly impressed so far. Thanks very much for a great product!" -- Apr 03

"I have played [another game] since 1965, both with cards and from the old DOS days of the first computer version…. comparing the two products is like matching the 1927 Yankees against the original Mets. You have set the standard - put it in the Hall of Fame." -- Mar 03

"Diamond Mind Baseball is the best overall statistical re-creation of baseball seasons you can find." -- Feb 03

"Diamond Mind baseball is the best computer sim game on the market today! Thanks for creating a fun and exciting game!!!" -- Feb 03

"Just wanted to thank you for putting out a fantastic game. I have not found a simulation game anywhere near as satisfying as this one - lets's face it, when an announcer suggests an athlete is putting up video game numbers, that's a reflection of the lack of realistic baseball games on the market. Your game really fills a void." -- Jan 03

"Diamond Mind Baseball's website is excellent and comprehensive. They describe their product in depth and honestly. I got exactly what I expected and I got it quickly, honestly and at a fair price." -- Jan 03

"It's a great store and the best computer baseball game by far… the next best game finishes 3rd!! -- Dec 02

"I am always impressed with both the game and your company…as long as you keep making DMB I'll keep buying." -- Dec 02

"Diamond Mind baseball is the best computer baseball game I've ever seen…and I've seen them all!" -- Nov 02

"Thanks for the amazing amount of work you've put into making this game statistically accurate. As statistics are a big part of my life, I couldn't live with another baseball game." -- Nov 02

"Diamond Mind Baseball (the finest baseball game on the market) has consistently had the best customer service and technical support in the market." -- Oct 02

Your product is great and I can't live without it." -- Oct 02

"Always delivers the product as advertised - product is excellent - they still look for little ways to enhance the season disks and game for our enjoyment." -- Sep 02

"This is an awesome game that I have been playing since 1998. It's not ruled by salaries, egos, or bad attitudes, only the game that's played between the lines." -- Aug 02

"The Team Status Report that shows the playing time of players as a percent of their real-life total is just fantastic. Very helpful in keeping all the players on track during the replay." -- Jul 02

"Diamond Mind Baseball is an awesome product!.. I have nothing but great things to say about this company!.. If you have questions they help you.. I just really appreciate everything about them." -- Jun 02

"Thank you folks for really making an excellent product. After 2-3 years with this game I continue to be impressed (even when I lose) with the realism." -- Jun 02

"Diamond Mind Baseball is one of the most professional small businesses I've dealt with. Excellent customer service!! Top notch people and a top notch product." -- May 02

"The amount of detail and effort that has gone into this product is mind blowing! It's also appealing that historical teams are available which really complements the modern game. Keep up the good work!" -- May 02

"Excellent product. I've been wanting to try Diamond Mind for a couple years and I was very happy I finally decided to give it a try. Definitely, a game for baseball fans." -- Apr 02

"I've been a DMB owner since the first PC version in '87 when it was PTP (and a board game owner before that). It is the best simulation baseball game on the planet… period." --Apr 02

"This computer game is totally amazing. The ease of play and the amount of past seasons available make this the most enjoyable baseball game I have ever owned. As a former baseball board game player there is no comparison between these games and Diamond Mind Baseball. All I can say is keep up the good work." --Apr 02

"I ordered the 2002 Projection disk on-line and received it in 3 days!!!! I couldn't believe the speed of service. Keep up the good work! Oh and by the way you have the best statistical simulation game I've ever seen or played. Thanks again." --Apr 02

"The game is the best available anywhere. I have played tabletop games since 1962 and nothing comes close to this game." --Mar 02

"You guys make the best baseball game out there. The new versions are getting more and more user friendly. I love all of the information available on screen as you play w/o needing to click into different windows. You can play a fast game, but have it still be detailed, exciting and full of strategy. Keep up the great work! Please never sacrifice your attention to detail with regards to realism and statistics, that is what sets you apart from the others." --Mar 02

"I received Diamond Mind for Christmas and wanted to pass along high praise to what is a wonderful, almost perfect product. It is an incredible---well I scarcely can call it a "game"; it is more properly defined as a simulation/modeling tool, albeit the most entertaining, most cool such tool I've ever had the pleasure to use! The AI is very good, the "play-by-play" impressive, the various data, input, and output screens very well organized and intuitive. This the game I've always wanted! Thank you!" --Mar 02

"You market a GREAT product. I enjoy this game and it is a GREAT value!" --Mar 02

"Diamond Mind is the best baseball game out there, and their service is equally stellar." --Mar 02

"Thanks for all the attention to detail and realism. The fact that any given result is a combination of both the batter's and pitcher's ability certainly rises above the board games. Anything that can happen in baseball happens in DMB. You certainly have earned this fan's loyalty. This is a baseball fan's dream come true." --Jan/02

"If you enjoy simulation baseball, you will enjoy playing Diamond Mind! It is the best product out there, period!" --Jan/02

"Not only does Diamond Mind produce a tremendous product, they provide a great shopping experience, and the best software support I've ever encountered." --Dec/01

"DMB's service record is the best in the business. A Class act which stands behind its own work, which is nice to see in this day and age" --Dec/01

"DMB is a great product, best non arcade type baseball simulation available." --Dec/01

"The scope of players, the stadiums, and the stats, both real and replay, are incredible. It's everything I've looked for in a sim for years, and so much more. You have yourself a fan for life. My wife may suffer, but baseball was here first." --Dec/01

"I'm a repeat customer and this is a superb product. The best non arcade style baseball simulation of all time." --Dec/01

"Good product, promptly shipped, with good support. You can't ask for much more." --Nov/01

"Great product, helpful customer support. Would recommend to anyone interested in baseball simulations as the best in the industry." --Nov/01

"Awesome game." --Nov/01

"I really find Diamond Mind Baseball's service and support to be the best in the sports sim industry. I played lots of sports games before Diamond Mind, but their product is head and shoulders the best." --Nov/01

"Diamond Mind Baseball is the BEST statistical simulation on the market. I've been a satisfied customer for nearly a decade and still counting!!!" --Nov/01

"Diamond Mind is the most realistic baseball simulation of any kind that I have ever had the pleasure of playing (based on about 27 years of experience). The game is not only a fantastic gaming experience, but the value, variety of accessories and customer service are Number One!" --Oct/01

"Without a doubt, the BEST baseball simulation (computer or board game) I've ever played. It's like I'm not even playing a game but am really there in the dugout." --Oct/01

"Yours is by far the best statistical sports game on the market." --Sep/01

"Finally, I want to thank you and tell you what a terrific job all of you did on Version 8. It really is fantastic, and the top of the line in these games. I am an editor at The Boston Globe and I tell all my friends here about it. Easy to play, very, very realistic, and loads of stats. But nothing beats the pitch-by-pitch." --Sep/01

"I expected you to have the usual features most other people put into their games: righty/lefty, parks, weather, etc. What I can't believe is how you've packed in every single significant feature I've ever seen anywhere else, plus several others. Moreover, you do a great job of implementing these items without effecting accuracy. I really like your computer manager set up; it's powerful enough while being extremely easy to use. Your scheduler is the best I've seen (it allows the use of templates). Your reporting facility is outstanding (don't know another game that enables day by day reporting). I love the fact that your game is centered around the concept of cross era play, as you actually create the player on an era neutral, park neutral (not seen before) basis. I also don't know of another game that includes fielding in cross era normalization." --Aug/01 

"Simply the best baseball simulation out there, and has been since I first ordered it in 1997. I now use Diamond Mind exclusively; it just keeps getting better!" --Aug/01

"The product itself is awesome; I've never found a game that so closely matches the strategy and outcomes of the real game." --Jul/01 

"Not only do the folks at Diamond Mind have a very fine product, they service and support it with a top notch website." --Jul/01 
"I've owned and played lots of sports games, but I keep coming back to Diamond Mind, simply because it's the most realistic, the most playable, and the most fun." --Jun/01 
"Your baseball game rocks. I've been frustrated with arcade games that produce great graphics but soon become tiresome. They lack realism and play more like a pinball game with fancy bells and whistles. Your game does many things well and I just wanted to compliment you. This is what baseball is all about." --Jun/01 
"This product is, by far, the best computer baseball game on the market." --Jun/01 
"I have started my replay of the 1955 AL season…what a BLAST! …in 1955 I was a 12-year old kid just beginning to develop my life-long passion for baseball. This game "feels" so much like that great era. Thanks for making a middle-aged man feel like a kid again!" --May/01 
"Game is great. Realism and players perform exactly like real life. With this game I can recreate games and players from my youth!!" --May/01 
"Diamond Mind is the best baseball game going. The attention to detail is incredible. And the customer support was outstanding." --May/01 
"This is an excellent product and an excellent company. Questions are answered promptly and thoroughly, and it's apparent from the folks I've dealt with that they care about their customers and actually enjoy what they are doing." --Apr/01 
"Your game is unreal!! I thought version 7 could not be beat but you did it." --Apr/01 
"Just started playing around with customizing of reports…this is an astonishing feature! I really like the way I am able to place real-life stats right next to simulated stats on one report. The staggering array of choices and combinations is most gratifying." --Mar/01 
"The play-by-play is excellent. It reads like baseball. Sounds like baseball. It feels like baseball…The pitch-by-pitch feature is unique, and there are times when it adds so much to the game…of all the baseball simulations out there, I rate DMB as the most professional, trusted & highest quality of them all." --Mar/01 
"The BEST Baseball simulation ever. Amazingly, it keeps getting better every year." --Mar/01 
"This is the most customer-service oriented company I've ever dealt with. I wish they sold other things like insurance or garage-door openers because I know I'd feel a lot more comfortable dealing with them than those I've been dealing with." --Mar/01 
"Just when you think it can't get any better, DMB releases ver 8. Thank you for a GREAT game. I never send companies letters about their products but this in an exception. Version 8 is the best statistical simulation of a sport I have ever played." --Feb/01 
"To say I enjoy the game is an understatement, addiction is more like it. Congratulations on far and away the best baseball sim out there. I've played all of them that I know about, and nothing comes close." --Feb/01 

"Diamond Mind is a great company ... always willing to help if you have questions" -- Feb/01

"Your version 8 game is really great. But your customer service is just as great as your game. I don't know how you do it, but EVERYBODY I've ever spoken to at Diamond Mind, either on the phone or via email, has been kind, efficient, gracious, and a pleasure to do business with. It's the best, most polite customer service I've ever experienced." Jan/01

"My compliments on version 8, a slick, welcomed addition to the series." -- Jan/01

"I love version 8. It's the most realistic strategy baseball game around." -- Jan/01

"I received version 8 last week ... what an outstanding job you did!! I just love the whole new interface, atmosphere, convenience" -- Jan/01

"Let me congratulate you on a SUPER game. I have played just about every brand of computer baseball game ... and version 8 is the ONLY game that I've played that is actually better than DMB version 7" -- Jan/01

"The game is absolutely terrific. The graphical user interface is awesome and it brings a new level of enjoyment and excitement to the best baseball game on the market." -- Jan/01

"This is a first class organization" -- Jan/01

"Great job on version 8. I am glad you waited and took the extra time to add all of the cool features and new ideas ... it was well worth the wait." -- Jan/01

"I just received version 8 and am just thrilled with it! I was amazed at how easy it is to install, play, view and print reports. My hat's off to your staff for the fantastic job they have done." -- Jan/01

"You have an absolutely wonderful baseball game. It's very easy to use, very easy to trade, create players, etc., and the layout is great." -- Jan/01

"Version 8 rocks!!" -- Jan/01 

"DMB is great. Most realistic simulation game I've ever been involved with." -- Sep/00 
"I currently have 7 different computer baseball games and Diamond Mind is, without question, the best." -- Aug/00 
"Diamond Mind Baseball just rocks!!!! I love it so much, and play it everyday. Best simulation game there is. Thanks for the hours of endless fun!!!" -- Aug/00 
"Diamond Mind Baseball offers great products and GREAT service." -- Aug/00 
"I got your game last week and I only have one thing to say about it…AWESOME!" -- May/00 
"I have thoroughly enjoyed the game since my first experience in year 1 of your creation many moons ago. I have spent countless hours playing, planning my various organizations strategies, and basically savoring the game. Each upgrade has left me thinking it has evolved into the perfect game, only to be bested by the next release." -- May/00 
"I was truly amazed when I played (simulated) my first game with DMB. I've got to say that your simulation is the next best thing to being there." -- Apr/00 
"The realism is fantastic, but nothing on the market can touch your pitch-by-pitch system. It was the reason I bought the game, and I have not been disappointed. I find the game very easy to play, the information easy to access, and that the game contains just about everything that happens in real-life with the same frequency or infrequency of major league baseball." -- Apr/00 
"…After playing (competing games) for decades, nothing comes close to the stats, realism, playability and play-by-play of DMB." -- Mar/00 
"Thank you for your commitment to reality and strategy. And thank you for customer service that is far away the best in the industry." -- Feb/00 
"By the way, after playing (one competitor's game) for 30+ years and (another competitor's) game for the last five, graphics or not, windows or not, DMB is far and away the best - stats, playability, pure fun and recreation of baseball." -- Feb/00 
"You have a terrific game. Tried several of the graphics and sound variety, but they can't match yours." -- Feb/00 
"It's outstanding that not only is DMB the best baseball game available, but your customer service is the best I've received from anyone." -- Jan/00 
"I can't tell you how happy I am that I bought your game. From a computer stand point, the user interface is simple and its rock solid in that I haven't run into any bugs. From a baseball standpoint, the game is UN-BE-LIEVABLE! You guys/gals have thought of EVERYTHING. It's hard to imagine a better simulation game on the market. You blow the competition that I've played with out of the water. And I'm giving up making my own game. This was the best money I spent this holiday season." -- Jan/00 
"I am extremely happy with the game and amazed by the accuracy of your model. I am consistently amazed at the critical impact my managerial decisions have on the results." -- Jan/00
"I just wanted to let you know that I just purchased DMB7 and it is the first experience I've ever had with a text based baseball simulation. Well, I will NEVER play a graphics based simulation again… The product itself is amazingly detailed and enormously fun! I am so impressed with the game that I'm recommending it to every baseball fan I know with a computer. The play by play is riveting. The statistical accuracy is unmatched, and the customizable options are endless. Plus, you can play a game in less than 20 minutes!! I've found myself staying up way too late saying, "I can play ONE more game."" -- Dec/99 
"I received Diamond Mind baseball last evening, installed it at 11am this morning, and was up, running, and playing at 11:15am. Incredible! Diamond Mind works perfectly and is logically designed so that it can be played instantly" -- Aug/99
"I recevied my copy of Diamond Mind earlier this week, and I must say it is fantastic. I have invested hundreds of dollars in [a competitor]...Diamond Mind is far superior." -- May/99
"The statistics are amazing - the league totals and the individual batting, pitching, and fielding leaders are what and who they 'should be'. Even more amazing is the way that the game replicates weather and ball park influences." -- Apr/99
"What a delight. I have played and own every computer baseball game ever made. Diamond [Mind] by far, is the best game on the market." -- Apr/99
"I guess the most striking testament to the quality of your game is the fact that my 10-year-old son has become an avid DMB7 player and has given his once beloved [arcade] game to a friend. Imagine that! A 10-year-old boy playing a game that does not involve true to life graphics!!! He has discovered that the combination of your game's detailed play-by-play and his vivid imagination is better than the limitations of computer graphics any day." -- Mar/99
"I can't stop playing. Thank you for doing a great job. I have purchased many baseball sim games and your product has now become my favorite." -- Nov/98
"Diamond Mind is not only the best baseball sim available, it has the best customer service as well." -- Sep/98 
"I have Version 7, and love the pitch-by-pitch mode; playing a game now is so close to the real thing it's almost frightening. Your play-by-play text is just terrific." -- Jun/98
"I have been playing your game since 1990 and think it is the best computer baseball simulation on the market. I have tried all the others, but no one combines ease of use with statistical accuracy and 'feel' for the game that you do." -- Jun/98
"the game is so realistic it's 'eerie'. And, unlike most other games, Diamond Mind's computer manager actually makes decisions like a real major league manager." -- May/98
"[compared to] any other game I've played...the play-by-play is extremely varied, exciting, suspenseful, flows better, reads better, easier to understand, is more enjoyable, and just 'sounds' more like real baseball. I can't begin to fully convey just how great this play-by-play is." -- Apr/98
"I am blown away by this game....just blown away. I once snickered at DM for still being a DOS product, but this game is utterly amazing. I am a stickler for statistical accuracy, and DM delivers on every front. ... The pitch-by-pitch feature sets this game head and shoulders above the competition." -- Mar/98
"very easy to play . . . captures the feel and complexity of baseball better than any other game I have ever experienced . . . thanks again for a wonderful game and excellent service." -- Mar/98
"Thank you for the answers. I doubt if there is another software company of any sort that provides as fine of customer service as you do." -- Jan/98
"you have produced a game simulation which is by far the best in the business, both in playability and realism . . . I've been through them all over the past 20+ years. Nice job!" -- Dec/97

Reviews of Diamond Mind Baseball

Read What Others Say About DMB

"Diamond Mind is a computer simulation that's been around for more than 20 years, and its intricate engine is used by ESPN and other media to simulate seasons. It's considered the best simulator out there". About Sports (http://baseball.about.com/od/onlinegames/tp/bbsimulations.htm), April 2015

Diamond Mind Baseball version 7 began shipping in July, 1997, and a number of print and online publications have put it through the wringer. Here's what they've had to say:

"the finest computer baseball simulation available...great gameplay...statistically precise simulation...excellent reports...nearly completely customizable"
PC Sportsgames (www.pcsportsgames.com), December/98


"the most realistic simulation of baseball available on the PC... incredibly flexible... for those who truly love baseball the way it is played in the big leagues, this product is simply unparalleled."
Digital Sportspage (www.digitalsports.com), August/98

"a treat for those of you who have been itching for a stunningly accurate baseball simulation"
Computer Game Strategy Plus (www.cdmag.com), May/98

"highly accurate and a lot of fun... a bargain"
Hartford Courant, May 17, 1998

"Widely recognized as the best statistical baseball game available"
Inside Games web site (www.insidegames.com), March/98

"For my money, Diamond Mind is simply the best major league simulation in existence -- especially for those who appreciate the rich statistical tradition of the game."
Toronto Star, February 26, 1998

"All in all, Diamond Mind is the premier baseball simulator on the market today. It provides all the tools you need to produce realistic, competitive leagues. There's a schedule generator and the ability to create your own players, teams, and ballparks. You won't find bitmaps of players' faces, pretty ballpark backgrounds, or animation of any sort. But you will find a rare understanding of baseball and its numbers."
Computer Gaming World, December/97

"This is the most accurate, playable and intelligent baseball sim you can play on your PC."
Inside Games web site (www.insidegames.com), Oct/97

"Diamond Mind serves as an excellent example that a quality sports simulation doesn't require spectacular sound and graphics to make for an enjoyable game. While there are other titles that feature super sound and graphics (and super hardware requirements to run effectively), I'm aware of none that can compete with Diamond Mind for accuracy, realism, or player disk support . . . The entire game design is well thought out, and actually helps you to do what you want . . . Diamond Mind is destined for the baseball simulation Hall of Fame."
Online Gaming Review (www.ogr.com), Sept/97

"If you are a baseball fan, you must buy this game . . . Diamond Mind is the best baseball game out there right now."
Sidelines, June-July/97


All-time Greatest Players

Updated in May 2015

The All-time Greatest Players set gives you a great way to play games using more than 4500 of the best players in baseball history.

All of the players have been selected and rated based on their best series of peak seasons (more on this below), with each season evaluated relative to the norms for that era and adjusted for park effects. The players are organized into two separate databases of 48 teams each based on the real-life franchises they were most closely affiliated with during their peak periods.

Everything is in place to allow you to start playing games the moment you install the set, but remember that there's almost no limit to the ways you can use these players and teams. You can also run a draft, restructure the league, generate a new schedule, change the manager profiles, and move players and teams to/from other Diamond Mind seasons.

The All-time Greatest Players set is priced at $29.95 per volume or buy the All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 1 database together with the All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 2 database and get the All-time Greatest Players 2015 Volume 2 database for 35% off the regular price.  Add both items to your cart and use shopping code AGP2015BUN to apply the discount at checkout.

Organizing the teams

The players are organized into teams based primarily on real-life franchises. Certain franchises (e.g. New York, Boston, Chicago) have too many stars for one team, so we split them into two or three. Other franchises are too young to have accumulated a full and balanced roster, so we combined them.

Every team has a manager profile with starting rotations, bullpen assignments, starting lineups against left- and right-handed pitchers for both DH and non-DH games, and depth charts for each of those starting lineups.

During our testing, we autoplayed a number of seasons and found these teams to be remarkably balanced. Some are better than others, of course, but it was rare to see a team with a winning percentage above .600 or below .400. Most of the divisional races were hotly contested, often decided during the season's final series.

Player ratings

We rated the players based on their best series of consecutive peak years that met a minimum playing time threshold. Let's take a moment to go over what that means.

To select each player's best series of seasons, we began with his rookie year, collected enough future seasons to meet or exceed our minimum playing time threshold, and evaluated that group of seasons. We repeated the process for the seasons beginning with his second year, then his third year, and so on. The group of seasons that provided the highest level of league- and park-adjusted performance became the basis for that player's ratings.

We used consecutive peak seasons rather than unconnected peak seasons because players change with age. A player may start out as a superior fielder with great speed and enough hitting skills to be an asset at the top of the order. As he matures, adds muscle, or recovers from a serious injury, he might move to a less demanding fielding position, run less, take more walks, and add power. If we rated such a player based on a mix of early, middle, and later years, we might end up creating a power hitter who could also play great defense and steal bases, even if that player never did all of those things at the same time at any point in his career.

We chose to use peak years rather than entire careers because some all-time greats had mediocre-to-poor seasons at the start or end of their careers because they were called up at a very young age and/or they kept their jobs after they had lost much of their ability. If we used entire careers, these stars would not stand out from the crowd as much as they should.

We felt it was important to include a lot of playing time. That way, lesser players with one or two really good seasons wouldn't rank as highly as others who sustained their success over a much longer period.

If a position player had a short career -- less than 4000 plate appearances -- he was not eligible for this set. If he reached that threshold but fell short of 6000 PA, we used his entire career. If he exceeded 6000 PA, we used his best run of consecutive seasons that include at least 6000 PA.

Similarly, we had two thresholds for pitchers. To qualify for the set, a pitcher needed at least 200 career starts, 400 career relief appearances, or a suitable combination of the two. To qualify for the peak-years treatment, those limits were raised to 250 starts or 500 relief appearances.

This approach favors players with longer careers because their weaker seasons are excluded. We feel that's appropriate. The best players start sooner and last longer than everyone else.

This set also includes over 100 players from the Negro Leagues who didn't also play in the majors along with some of the All Time Great Japanese League Baseball Players.

All-Star Teams

Replay All Star Game History

The newest addition to our range of seasons, team and player sets is a collection of all AL and NL All-Star teams from 1933, the year the first All-Star Game was played, to 2023. The collection comprises six sets, each covering 15 years: 1933-48, 1949-63, 1964-78, 1979-93, 1994-2008, 2009-2023.

Rosters and Roster Sizes

Roster sizes will vary from year to year, showing a gradual increase in size as time passed. Reserve roster players are those players who were chosen to play in that season’s game but were replaced due to injury or other reasons. All teams have been set up with strict, computer-generated, three-man pitching rotations. If the actual starter was included in the rotation, he was moved to the number one spot on the list. If he was not, he replaced the third pitcher on the list and then was slid to the number one spot. Two sources (The Midsummer Classic, baseball-almanac.com) indicate that in 1971 the AL roster was 29 while the NL was 28. So be it.

The DH

Initially, there was no designated hitter (DH) in the All-Star Game. Starting in 1989, the rule was applied only to games played in American League stadiums. Since 2010, the DH has been used by both teams regardless of the game's location. In seasons in which the DH was not used in the all-star game, the first two lineups in the Manager Profile, vs LHP and vs RHP, are the same. They are the lineup that was used in the actual game. DH lineups are also provided, and are computer-generated. In seasons in which the DH was used in the actual game, the first two lineups are computer-generated. The two DH lineups, vs LHP (DH) and vs RHP (DH), are identical, and are the starting lineup that was used in that year’s game.

Two Games In One Season

Four times in the history of the all-star game there have been two games in one season: 1959, 1960, 1961, and 1962. For all four years, the starting lineup given in the Manager Profile is that used in the first game for that particular season. In 1960, the games were played with only one day in between (July 11th and 13th). Identical 30-man rosters were used. In 1959, 1961, and 1962, the two games were played weeks apart and there were some roster changes. Those players who played in the actual first game are active on the DMB roster. Players who were on the rosters for the second game but not the first game are also on the DMB roster, but are farmed out. Actual game two rosters for these years can be found at http://baseball-almanac.com/

The price of each database is $14.95, or buy any two All-Star Teams databases and get the third for free! Add three All-Star Teams databases to your cart and use shopping code ALLSTARBUN to apply the discount at checkout.